產品規格 |
.SNR—60.5dB .PSRR—80dBFS .THD—3% .Supply Current(Normal mode)—650uA .Supply Current(Sleep mode)—50uA .Mechanical Shock—20000g .Operation temperature range—-40℃ to +85℃ |
產品特性 |
.High sensitivity of -26dBFS .Flat Frequency response form 100Hz to over 12KHz .Fourth - order Σ-△ modulator .Small and thin 3mm x 4mm x 1mm surface-mount package |
產品應用 |
.手持式收音裝置 .AIO PC MIC |
文字介紹 |
ADMP421有高的SNR和一種高靈敏性,為長距離應用極好的選擇。ADMP421有平的wideband頻率響應有高的可理解性導致自然的聲音。小電流消耗可有效延長電池的使用壽命。 |
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產品規格 |
.Single Supply Operation Vlotage—1.7V ~ 2.75V .Low supply current—25uA(Data rate < 10 Hz) .Operating Temp Range—-40 ~ +85 .Packages—16-Terminal LGA |
產品特性 |
.Ultralow power: 25 μA to 145 μA at VS = 1.8 V (typ) .Power consumption scales automatically with bandwidth .32 levels of output data FIFO minimizes host processor load .Tap/double tap detection .Activity/inactivity monitoring .Free-fall detection .4- and 6-position orientation sensing .Supply and I/O voltage range: 1.7 V to 2.75 V |
產品應用 |
.AIO PC 敲擊螢幕由休眠模式進入正常運作模式 .Handsets .Gaming and pointing devices .Personal navigation devices .Hard disk drive (HDD) protection .Fitness equipment |
文字介紹 |
亞德諾(ADI)開發出一組全新iMEMS智慧型動作感測器ADXL 346系列家族,特別適用於受限於電源與空間的可攜式裝置。這些新的感測器能在低至1.8V的主要供應電壓下運作,而其高解析度的能力可以進行小至0.25度傾斜變化的量測。
ADXL 346佔位面積僅3mm x 3mm x 0.95mm,能夠同時量測肇因於動作或是震動的動態加速度,以及靜態加速度(如重力),這項特性使其可以被用來當作傾斜感測器。該元件會依輸出資料的速率自動的調變其自身電力耗損的比率,並且藉由在無動作期間自動切換至睡眠模式以節省額外的電力。為了更一步的省電,也有待命模式可以使用。
“動作感測已經不再是最初只有針對加速度的概念而已,現在它還包括了傾斜、震動、搖擺以及旋轉?!盇DI微機電產品線總監Bill Murphy表示,“能夠對於這些動作以具有成本效益的方式進行量測,同時又只需要消耗很少的電力供應,這使得新一波創新產品的特點與能力得以實現。”
ADXL 346具有晶片內建的先進先出式(FIFO)記憶體區塊,能夠儲存高達32組的X、Y、與Z軸資料的取樣組,並且可以有效的將FIFO功能從主要處理器中卸載。這項特點可以使主要處理器以及其它對於電力需求較大的週邊進入睡眠模式,直到達成所欲節省的大量系統電力為止。有效的應用這項特點可以大幅降低高達75%的總體電力使用。
超低功率ADXL 346數位式加速度計具有從0.1Hz至1600Hz的寬廣可選擇式頻寬,相較之下,能夠以1.8V運作的同質性加速度計則只有100Hz的最大頻寬。這使得可攜式系統的設計工程師能夠建立具有靈敏回應能力而且即時的嵌入式系統,提供所需要的使用者體驗。
電力消耗的範圍則是從在1,600Hz頻寬下低於150uA,一直到在10Hz下的25uA。ADXL 346也能夠以±2g/4g/8g/16g的使用者可選擇的量測範圍進行肇因於動作或是震動之動態加速度的量測,同時也包括了內建透過簡單暫存器讀取的定位感測。
數項特殊的感測功能也以程式化的型態內建於晶片當中,同時還伴隨著使用者可編程的臨界位準。對於活動與無活動之感測的功能可以偵測動作的出現或不足,或是在任意軸上的加速度是否超過了使用者設定的位準。 輕敲(tap)感測功能可以偵測單一以及雙重輕敲的動作。自由落體的感測可以偵測元件是否正在落下。
這些功能都可以對映到一或兩組中斷輸出接腳上。此外,全新的加速度計也包括有I2C與三線和四線串列週邊介面(SPI)的數位式介面。 |
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產品規格 |
.Min Pos Supply—+2.5V .Max Pos Supply—+5V .Supply Current (max)—7mA .Output Power (W)—2W .Efficiency (%)—0.85 .SNR (dB)—102dB |
產品特性 |
.Filterless Class-D amplifier with built-in output stage .2 W into 4 Ω and 1.4 W into 8 Ω at 5.0 V supply with <10% THD .85% efficiency at 5.0 V, 1.4 W into 8 Ω speaker .Better than 98 dB SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) .Available in 16-lead, 3 mm × 3 mm LFCSP .Single-supply operation from 2.5 V to 5.0 V |
產品應用 |
.Notebooks and PCs .Mobile phones .MP3 players .Portable gaming .Portable electronics .Educational toys |
文字介紹 |
ADI公司的 SSM2301和SSM2304 D類放大器透過將功耗降到最低以適合有效驅動手持或便攜式消費類應用中的揚聲器,使用Σ-Δ調製減小電磁干擾(EMI)以及採用集成的無濾波器架構以無需外部元件。
SSM2304 (身歷聲) 放大器在多種輸出功率範圍內工作效率高達85%。SSM2304接4 Ω負載提供2 W輸出功率。採用2.5 V~5.5 V單電源供電,具有20 nA 待機電流最大值微功耗待機模式,並且內置過熱待機和輸出短路保護電路。這兩款放大器都能在低壓下工作,所以使其適合諸如手機的應用,它採用電池供電直接驅動揚聲器放大器。 |
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【Conexant - CX20672(Audio Codec)】 |
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產品規格 |
HD-Audio CODEC with Cap_less Headphone Driver, 2Wx2 Class D Amplifier, and LDO |
產品特性 |
1. Intel HD-Audio Bus Interface 1.0 Compliance 2. Meets Microsoft WLP4.0 Logo requirements 3. 24bit,up to 192kHzDAC*4 4. 24bit,up to 96kHzADC*4 5. 45mW ProCoustic Cap_less Headphones Driver 6. 2W-rms X 2 Class D Amplifiers 7. Integrated 1.8V and 3.3V LDO 8. Speaker Protection High Pass Filter 9. Support 1.5V and 3.3V Signaling with compatible core logic chipset 10. S/PDIF-Out 11. Retaskable Jacks 12. Microphone Boost and Bias 13. 6mm x6mm, 40 pin QFN package |
產品應用 |
。Low Power Notebook PC 。Net-book PC |
文字介紹 |
The Conexant CX20672 is a High Definition Audio CODEC with capless ProCoustic Headphones Driver, stereo Class D amplifier, and integrated Low Drop Out regulators. |
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產品規格 |
1. Bluetooth 2.1 +EDR 2. Bluetooth 3.0 + HS with Motorola stack 3. 3 wire co existence 4. CSP 0.5mm pitch 5. USB interface 6. 5 GPIOs -- LEDs , radio on/off ,etc |
產品特性 |
已通過過藍牙品質委員會(Bluetooth Qualification Board, BQB)認證 及主要各國之安規認證, 客戶無需再重新認證 |
產品應用 |
可內建於 All in one , 筆記型電腦, 小筆電 及桌上型電腦. |
文字介紹 |
已穫得大品牌NB廠認證採用, 此零件亦可與雷凌 或瑞昱 的 802.11n 之晶片 設計成 WiFi + BT 的 combo 卡 , 且已經穫得大品牌NB廠認證採用 |
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產品規格 |
.VCC : 2.7 to 4.3V .ICC (Audio) : 3mA .ICC(USB) : 6μA .Package : 16- Lead UMLP 1.80 x 2.60 x 0.55mm, 0.40mm pitch" .THD+N : 0.1% |
產品特性 |
.USB Detection .Audio Amplifier : Class AB .Amplifier Output Power : 40mWRMS (32Ω) |
產品應用 |
.MP3 Portable Media Players .Cellular Phones .Smartphones .netbook |
文字介紹 |
快捷半導體公司(Fairchild Semiconductor)專注於開發提升用戶滿意度以及使產品在市場獲得成功的類比和功率功能,為手機設計人員提供一款整合了無電容耳機音頻放大器的自動選擇高速USB開關FSA2000,這是業界第一款這種類型的器件,而且能夠減少元件數量、電路板占用空間並降低材料清單(BOM)成本。
目前的分立式解決方案需要使用一個USB開關、兩個220µF的大電容和一個外部耳機放大器等多個分立元件。FSA2000整合了一個AB類無電容耳機放大器的USB 2.0 全速(FS)和高速(HS)相容開關,省去了附加元件,能夠節省電路板占用空間並降低BOM成本。
當VBUS存在時,FSA2000 能夠自動切換至USB。在這個過程中,不需要為耳機放大器供電,從而節省了電能並延長了電池的使用壽命。
FSA2000是快捷半導體多款USB解決方案中的一員。這些解決方案採用先進的偵測技術,經常用於USB埠共用和路由。這類開關相容USB2.0 FS/HS,頻寬超過720MHz,非常適用於USB埠隔離、連接器共用和訊號多路傳輸等應用。 |
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【IDT - PureTouch 電容式觸控LDS6100】 |
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產品規格 |
1. Touch key sensors up to 20. 2. 整合LED驅動器 , up to 10. 3. 直接通訊模式(Direct Communication Mode: DCM) 4. 標準介面,包括I2C、SPI和SMBu |
產品特性 |
1. 電容式觸控元件系列採用IDT Power Smart技術,具備超低功耗,能夠以高功率效益方式持續掃描觸控按鈕而不需要進入睡眠模式,並成為需要電池電力的可攜式應用最理想的解決方案。LDS6100在持續掃描模式下僅消耗125uW。 2. 動態亮度控制、閃爍,和類似心跳效果的內建LED動作樣式選擇。 |
產品應用 |
1. Mobile handsets, personal media players 2. Portable navigation devices 3. Remote controls 4. Office equipment, multi-function printers 5. Set top boxes 6. Home appliances 7. Brown goods 8. Industrial controls |
文字介紹 |
1. 最新touch key觸控元件結合了新的功能,並提供簡易的客製化能力和簡單的系統設計,以協助設計者提高產品區別性和上市時程。 2. 電容式觸控介面較傳統機械按鈕容易使用、以及直覺式的介面,並具有時尚外觀的特性,消費者開始希望在各種裝置上看見其蹤影。 3.高整合的IDT PureTouch系列元件可減少零組件的數量,降低設計複雜性和成本,並促成更快速的產品開發。 |
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產品規格 |
• Vds: 30V • Rdson: 1.9mOhm@10V • Id ; 139A • Package outline: MX ; SQ • Pb-free plating; RoHS complaint |
產品特性 |
• Optimized for high switching frequency DC/DC converter • Very low on-resistance R DS(on) • Excellent gate charge x R DS(on) product (FOM) • Low parasitic inductance • Low profile (<0.7 mm) • Double-sided cooling |
產品應用 |
• Vcore Power MOSFET • GPU core Power MOSFET |
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【Infineon - Digital Controller】 |
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產品規格 |
•Compliant to Intel® VR11.1 / VR12 specifications. 1.1. Power Stage Indicator (PSI) mode for improved light load efficiency. 1.2. Support Output Current Monitor (iMON). •Up to 1MHz switching frequency. |
產品特性 |
• Digitally programmable loadline and loop compensation. • Achieves highest efficiency and lowest output caps with advanced non-linear control. • Improved Active Transient Response (ATR2) enables benchmark transient response with reduced output caps. •„„ I2C/PMBus interface for monitoring, configuration and control. • Extensive fault detection capability. |
產品應用 |
• Vcore Power Controller. •GPU core Power Controller. |
文字介紹 |
Infineon's digital power solutions enable improved digital control features: better accuracy and use of lower cost passive components through adaptive digital calibration, improved ability to respond to fast changes in power requirements (transients) using fewer external capacitors with proprietary Active Transient Response (ATR), and easier design-in with a graphical user interface. Infineon's overall solution requires substantially fewer components and associated costs as compared to current analog power solutions. |
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產品規格 |
• Intel compliant DrMOS, Power MOSFET and Driver in one package. • For Synchronous Buck - step down voltage applications • Maximum Average Current of 35A • Wide input voltage range +5V to +30V • +5V High and Low Side Driving voltage |
產品特性 |
• Remote Driver Disable function • Switching Modulation (SMOD#) of low side MOS • Includes active PMOS structure as integrated bootstrap circuit for reduced part count. • Compatible to standard PWM controller ICs with +3.3 and 5V logic • Three-State PWM input functionality • Small Package: IQFN40 (6 x 6 x 0.8 mm3) |
產品應用 |
• Vcore Power MOSFET. • GPU core Power MOSFET. • Non-Vcore buckconverters • Memory (DDR2/3) • Voltage Modules requiring high power density |
文字介紹 |
The Infineon DrMOS is a multichip module that incorporates Infineon's premier MOSFET technology for a single high side and a single low side MOSFET coupled with a robust, high performance, high switching frequency gate driver in a single 40 pin QFN package. The optimized gate timing allows for significant light load efficiency improvements over discrete solutions. State of the art MOSFET technology provides exceptional full load performance. Thus this device has a clear advantage over exisiting approaches in the marketplace when both full load and light load efficiencies are important. |
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產品規格 |
•IEC61000-4-2 (ESD): ± 15 kV (Air / Contact) •IEC61000-4-4 (EFT): 4 kV / 80 A (5/50 ns) •IEC61000-4-5 (Lightning): 27 A (8/20 µs) |
產品特性 |
• Very low capacitance • Extremly low reverse current < 5 nA • Pb-free (RoHS compliant) package • Qualified according AEC Q101 |
產品應用 |
ESD / transient protection of e.g. ADSL, VDSL, ISDN, WAN, LAN, I²C Bus, Microcontroller Inputs,Video and other high-speed data lines in telecom applications |
文字介紹 |
DSL70 is the protection diode selected to be integrated into the newest ADSL/VDSL schematics from leading design groups. Customers rate DSL70 as preferred solution because of its very low clamping voltage at high peak currents, lowest capacitance and overall superior surge absorption performance than any other comparable device in the market. This benchmark performance in combination with a very competitive price makes the DSL70 the device of choice in the protection arena. |
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【Infineon - ESD3V3U4U-LC】 |
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產品規格 |
• ESD / transient protection of high-speed data lines exceeding • IEC61000-4-2 (ESD): 25 kV (air / contact) • IEC61000-4-4 (EFT): 2.5 kV / 50 A (5/50 ns) • IEC61000-4-5 (surge): 3 A (8/20 μs) |
產品特性 |
• Increased ESD robustness at system level • Optimal quality of high frequency signal. • Very low clamping voltage. • Optimized layout for USB3.0 including • SuperSpeed TX+-/RX+- and D+/D- lines. |
產品應用 |
• USB 3.0, USB 2.0, 10/100/1000 Ethernet, Firewire • DVI, HDMI, S-ATA, DisplayPort • Mobile communication • Consumer products (STB, MP3; DVD, DSC...) • LCD displays, camera • Notebooks and desktop computers, peripherals |
文字介紹 |
• Enhanced ESD multistrike absorption capability exceeding IEC61000-4-2 level 4. • Fastest response time @ ESD strikes with lowest peak and clamping voltage. • Easy-to use array design for protection of 4 lines with one device. • 1:1 drop in replacement of competitor’s diode but much thinner array design. • Designed for straight through routing => easy PCB layout. • REAL ultralow capacitance I/O to GND & capacitance matching for optimal integrity of high speed signal. |
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【Infineon - ESD5V3U4U-HDMI】 |
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產品規格 |
• ESD / transient protection of high-speed data lines exceeding • IEC61000-4-2 (ESD): 20 kV (air / contact) • IEC61000-4-4 (EFT): 2.5 kV / 50 A (5/50 ns) • IEC61000-4-5 (surge): 3 A (8/20 μs) |
產品特性 |
• Max. working voltage: 5.3 V • Very low reverse current: < 1 nA typ. • Extremely low cap. : 0.4 pF typ. (I/O to GND) • Very low clamping voltage: 12 V typ. • Extremely low forward clamping voltage: 4 V typ. TSLP-9 package with pad pitch = 0.5 mm • Optimized pad design to simplify PCB layout • Pb-free (RoHS compliant) package |
產品應用 |
• DVI, HDMI, S-ATA, DisplayPort • USB 2.0, 10/100/1000 Ethernet, Firewire • Mobile communication • Consumer products (STB, MP3; DVD, DSC...) • LCD displays, camera • Notebooks and desktop computers, peripherals |
文字介紹 |
The ESD5V3U4U-HDMI is a TVS diode array in a ultra low Capacitance. The ESD5V3U4U-HDMI, featuring a typical capacitance of 0.45 pF and was designed for digital high-speed applications operating at voltages of up to 5.3 V. |
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產品規格 |
• Vds: 30V • Rdson: 3.5 mOhm@10V • Id ; 40A • Package outline: S3O8 • Pb-free plating; RoHS complaint |
產品特性 |
• Optimized for DC/DC converter • Low FOMsw for high frequency SMPS • 100% avalanche tested • Very low on-resistance (Rdson) • N-channel • Qualified according to JEDEC1) for target applications |
產品應用 |
• Vcore Power MOSFET • GPU core Power MOSFET |
文字介紹 |
OptiMOS™3 • increase efficiency in all load conditions • reduce footprint enabling new solutions • be easy to use • reduce system cost with excellent 5V gate drive performance • Size: 3.3 x 3.3 mm |
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【Infineon - SLB9635TT1.2】 |
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產品規格 |
• LPC I/O • Secure Controller (16bit CPU) • ROM (208KB), RAM (12KB), EEPROM (68KB) • Advance Crypto Engine (RSA) up to 2048bit • Asymmetric Key Generator • True RNG • HASH (SHA1, MD-5) |
產品特性 |
• Infineon有強大的軟體支援, 與其他供應商只賣硬體IC, 軟體還要找其他的軟體公司分開購買有很大的不同. Infineon TPM支援軟硬體, 發生問題只需要找Infineon一間公司處理. • Infineon在IC本身製程上也有加強硬體的保護(Active shield) • Infineon提供完整的資料與文件, 不論是在測試或是生產都有資料可以參考, 資料更新最快最完善 • 全球市占率最高, 機臺的相互搭配性也最高 • Infineon已經拿到Common Criteria Certification EAL 4+的認證, 這是安全晶片的最高認證, 代表只有Infineon TPM是最保密, 最安全的選擇. |
產品應用 |
•PC (mother board, Note book, Industrial PC board, Net book) |
文字介紹 |
Infineon TPM目前是全球市占率最高的安全晶片, 透過硬體來做資料的加解密, 建立虛擬磁碟或是搭配Windows OS-Vista & Windows 7做整個硬碟加密, 能夠實現重要資料一但經過TPM加密之後, 除了本人, 其他人絕對無法讀取加密的檔案資料的最高保密性。 |
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產品規格 |
• Vds: 25V • Rdson: 1 mOhm@10V • Id ; 100A • Package outline: SSO8 • Pb-free plating; RoHS complaint |
產品特性 |
• Optimized for 5V driver application • Low FOMsw for high frequency SMPS • 100% avalanche tested • Very low on-resistance @4.5V • N-channel • Qualified according to JEDEC1) for target applications |
產品應用 |
• Vcore Power MOSFET • GPU core Power MOSFET |
文字介紹 |
OptiMOS™3 • increase efficiency in all load conditions • be easy to use • reduce system cost with excellent 5V gate drive performance |
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產品規格 |
‧13 inputs (button/slider/wheel) ‧MCU inside (Max. 24 MHz) ‧2KB shared SRAM ‧8KB OTP ROM ‧16-bit ADC resolution ‧Automatic calibration ‧I2C interface ‧2 power-on key ‧13 GPIO or 15 LED H/W dimming ‧Good immunity to noise by active shield technology |
產品特性 |
‧Pure software handling for capacitive sensing ‧It is not easy to resist various interference ‧Electrical interference comes from power supply / noisy signal /B6LCD backlight inverter…etc ‧Environment changes: Temperature / Humid…etc |
產品應用 |
‧Buttons ‧Proximity ‧Sliders ‧Wheels ‧Touch ‧Screens |
文字介紹 |
Drift detection: environment effect: temperature, humid… Proximity detection: No finger / finger approach / finger contact… Active shield pin to minimize pickup noise Support 6 hardware dimming patterns (IT7230) Support software programming dimming patterns (IT7235) Support Level trigger and edge trigger dimming Ramp time can be programmed from 1/64 to 2 sec Current: IT7230: 0~7mA or 0~15mA and IT7235: 0~10mA or 0~20mA Superior immunity to noise Superior behavior in the environment changes Superior development kits support Reduce BOM cost Low host memory requirement Programmable LED dimming patterns |
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產品規格 |
* Optical multi touch module * Available Size : 15'' ~ 24'', Available for customization * Aspect Ratio : 4:3 / 16:9 / 16:10 * Support I/F : USB 2.0/1.1 full speed * Support OS : Windows XP、Vista、Windows 7 and Linux |
產品特性 |
* Touch accuracy : +/- 2mm * Touch resolution : 32,767 x 32,767 * Touch durability : Unlimited * Touch Response Time : 110pps * Reporting Rate : 60Hz, 17ms (Typical) * Power Supply : USB 5V, 200mA |
產品應用 |
* Monitor * AIO * POS * TV |
文字介紹 |
敦南科技的光學多點觸控技術,其利用光源接收遮斷原理,面板周圍內佈滿光源與螢幕兩端的接收器組成矩陣,當光線被遮斷時,自然就定位出X軸與Y軸,進而確定其精確位置。敦南科技結合類比IC及光學影像兩個部門專長,成為國內一方面可單純提供感應元件(sensor)供系統業者自行搭配,另一方面也提供sensor、控制 IC、光機構及光源等Win 7觸控螢幕完整解決方案公司,近期光學觸控產品已通過微軟Win 7認證,成為國內第2家通過光學認證的公司。 |
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【Newport - NMI310 (DVB-T/H Dual Mode) / NMI305 (DVB-T)】 |
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產品規格 |
NMI310: DVB-H/T RF Tuner+Demodulator SOC NMI305: DVB-T RF Tuner+Demodulator SOC 0.13um CMOS VHF, UHF and L Band multi-band support Ultra low power consumption: 20mW in DVB-H mode and 200mW in DVB-T mode 8mm x 8mm BGA package Support SPI, SDIO, TS, EBI and I2C Interfaces |
產品特性 |
RF Tuner, Baseband Demodulator and Memory integrated on a single SOC die Fully MBRAI Compliant Supports DVB-T mode operation No external memory required Low Noise (3dB system NF) High Linearity (+2dBm IP3) 110Hz Doppler (16QAM, 8K, Rate ½) |
產品應用 |
Cellular Phone PND PMP/MP4 Portable DVD Player Portable TV USB dongle NB DTV tuner module |
文字介紹 |
NM310結合四頻段、直接降頻、DVB-H基頻解調及所需記憶體等技術,靈敏度、頻道切換及干擾抑制等性能較為突出。接收器可同時接收8個頻道並維持在3.0dB的低雜音指數(Noise Figure),因此可提供廣泛的覆蓋性。 另外在低功耗的設計上已達到20dBm,在系統線性度上最多可達到10dB。其他包括55dB的相鄰通道選擇性能力且在8K模式下有著較高的都卜勒(Doppler)性能。因為SoC的特性加上無需外部記憶體,Balun轉換器及其他射頻元件等特點,可降低材料成本。 |
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【Newport - NMI320 (ISDB-T 1&3 Seg)】 |
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產品規格 |
ISDB-T 1 & 3 Segment Tuner + Demodulator SOC Supports UHF and VHF operation Power consumption below 72 mW 7mm x 7mm BGA package Support SPI, SDIO, TS, EBI and I2C Interfaces |
產品特性 |
RF Tuner, Baseband Demodulator and Memory integrated on a single SOC die Dual mode 1 segment and 3 segment operation Very low noise figure: 3.0 dB typical Up to +25dBm IIP3 <, BR>-110dm Sensitivity (QPSK) |
產品應用 |
Cellular Phone PND PMP/MP4 Portable DVD Player Portable TV USB dongle NB DTV tuner module |
文字介紹 |
NM320的主要特點為具有高於120dB的動態增益範圍,50dB的鏡像抑制及大於55dB的相鄰通道選擇性能力。功率消耗為70mW、雜音指數(Noise Figure) 3.0dB,及線性度(+20dBm IP3),並包含雙頻段的接收能力,ISDB-T One & Three Seg的解調能力及所有所需的記憶體,而且不需外接記憶體,Balun轉換器及回路濾波器(Loop Filter)。使能於較少的材料成本(BOM Cost)下,提供客戶完整的解決方案。 |
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【Nuvoton - Advanced Power Control IC-NCT3016Y】 |
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產品規格 |
‧QFN-20 pin ‧Power Supply Voltage : (VSB) -0.3 ~ 6.0V ‧Input Voltage : -0.3 to VSB+0.3V |
產品特性 |
‧IC communication interface: I2C® Compatible System Management bus (SMBusTM) serial interface ‧IC operation power source: 5 volt VSB power from ATX Power Supply ‧Supports ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) power sequence ‧Supports Programmable Configuration Settings ‧Supports a Built-in ASIC Timer for Time Setting. (An external 32.768K crystal is required.) ‧Supports Deep S5 Control. ‧Supports Power LED. ‧Provides 20-pin QFN Green Package |
產品應用 |
Desktop and Notebook Computers |
文字介紹 |
The NCT3016Y is Nuvoton’s advanced power control IC which is specifically designed for desktop, notebook and any embedded system applications. The NCT3016Y provides a mechanism to further lower the total system power consumption while the system is in S5 state. The NCT3016Y could block the entire system standby power that comes from the ATX power supplier while the system is in S5 state, and it is fulfilled via the control of the external transistor. The NCT3016Y is the only active IC under that, circumstance so the total system power consumption is minimized. The system standby power could be resumed by the setting of the internal registers or the specific wakeup events. The NCT3016Y is, powered by the 5VSB from the ATX power supplier, and communicates with the system through 2-wire System Management Bus (SMBusTM) serial interface. NCT3016Y not only controls power saving sequence but also supports smart ASIC timer for daily routine power saving management. The package is 20-pin QFN green package. |
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【Nuvoton - Bus Termination Regulator-W83312SN】 |
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產品規格 |
SOP-8 pin |
產品特性 |
‧Memory Termination Regulator for DDR1, DDR2, DDR3 and Low Power DDR3 ‧Sink and Source 3A Peak Current ‧Integrated Power MOSFET ‧Adjustable VOUT by External Resistors ‧Low External Component Count ‧Low Output Voltage Offset ‧Current Limit Protection ‧Over Temperature Protection ‧0℃ to 70℃ Ambient Operating Temperature Range |
產品應用 |
‧Desktop PCs, Notebooks, and Workstations ‧Graphics Card Memory Termination ‧Set Top Boxes, Digital TVs and Printers ‧Active Termination Buses ‧DDR1, DDR2 and DDR3 Memory Systems |
文字介紹 |
The W83312SN is a linear regulator which provides a power achieves peak 3.0Amp bidirectional sinking and sourcing capability for a high speed bus terminator application. The chip simply implements a stable power supply which tracks half of input power dynamically for bus terminator with a single chip. The W83312SN is promoted with small footprint 8-SOP 150mil power package. With W83312SN design, a high integration, high performance, and cost-effective solution are promoted. |
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【Nuvoton - LPC I/O-W83627DHG-P】 |
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產品規格 |
QFP-128 pin |
產品特性 |
‧Meet LPC Spec. 1.01 ‧Support LDRQ# (LPC DMA), SERIRQ (Serialized IRQ) ‧Integrated hardware monitor functions ‧Compliant with Microsoft PC98/PC99/PC2001 System Design Guide ‧Support DPM (Device Power Management), ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) ‧Programmable configuration settings ‧Single 24- or 48-MHz clock input ‧Support selective pins of 5 V tolerance |
產品應用 |
Desktop Computers |
文字介紹 |
The W83627DHG-P is a member of Nuvoton's Super I/O product line. This family features the LPC (Low Pin Count) interface. This interface is more economical than its ISA counterpart, in that it has approximately forty pins fewer, yet still provides as great performance. In addition, the improvement allows even more efficient operation of software, BIOS and device drivers. In addition to providing an LPC interface for I/O, the W83627DHG-P monitors several critical parameters in PC hardware, including power supply voltages, fan speeds, and temperatures. In terms of temperature monitoring, the W83627DHG-P adopts the Current Mode (dual current source) approach. The W83627DHG-P also supports the Smart Fan control system, including SMART FANTM I, SMART FANTM III and SMART FANTM III+, which makes the system more stable and user-friendly. |
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產品規格 |
Low VCEsat (BISS) transistor |
產品特性 |
‧Low collector-emitter saturation voltage VCEsat ‧High collector current capability: IC and ICM |
產品應用 |
‧Power management ‧Driver in low supply voltage applications ‧Inductive load driver |
文字介紹 |
PBSS5350X: PNP low VCEsat (BISS) transistor/VCEO=50V/IC=3A/SOT89 PBSS4350X:NPN low VCEsat (BISS) transistor/VCEO=50V/IC=3A/SOT89 PBSS5350D:PNP low VCEsat (BISS) transistor/VCEO=50V/IC=3A/SOT457 PBSS5350Z:PNP low VCEsat (BISS) |
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【NXP - Integrated discretes (ESD)】 |
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產品規格 |
Integrated discretes ESD protection Solution |
產品特性 |
‧Low line capacitance ‧According to IEC61000-4-2, level 4 standard |
產品應用 |
USB2.0/3.0 ,e-SATA and HDMI,VGA,LNA...ports |
文字介紹 |
IP4223CZ6/IP4284CZ10 forUSB2.0/3.0 ports ESD protection Solution. IP4283CZ10 for e-SATA and HDMI ports ESD protection Solution. IP4772CZ16 for VGA port ESD protection Solution. IP4233CZ6 for LNA port ESD protection Solution |
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產品規格 |
Enhancement mode Field-Effect Transistor (FET) |
產品特性 |
‧Logic level threshold compatible ‧Very fast switching ‧ESD protected, typical 3 KV HBM only 2N7002CK |
產品應用 |
‧Power management ‧Logic level translator ‧High-speed line driver |
文字介紹 |
2N7002CK:N-MOS/VDS=60V/ID=300mA / SOT23 / ±3KV ESD PMV65XP:P-MOS /VDS=60V/ID=300mA/ SOT23 PMGD370XN:Dual N-MOS/VDS=30V/ID=740mA /SOT363 |
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產品規格 |
VDS: 30V, ID: 100A, RDSON: 4mΩ |
產品特性 |
‧High efficiency due to low switching and conduction losses ‧Suitable for logic level gate drive sources |
產品應用 |
‧Consumer applications ‧Notebook Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) ‧Desktop Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) |
文字介紹 |
Logic level N-channel enhancement mode Field-Effect Transistor (FET) in a plastic package using TrenchMos technology. This product is designed and qualified for use in computing and consumer applications. |
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產品規格 |
VDS: 30V, ID: 61A, RDSON: 5mΩ |
產品特性 |
‧High efficiency due to low switching and conduction losses ‧Suitable for logic level gate drive sources |
產品應用 |
‧Consumer applications ‧Notebook Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) ‧Desktop Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) |
文字介紹 |
Logic level N-channel enhancement mode Field-Effect Transistor (FET) in a plastic package using TrenchMos technology. This product is designed and qualified for use in computing and consumer applications. |
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產品規格 |
VDS: 30V, ID: 76A, RDSON: 7mΩ |
產品特性 |
‧High efficiency due to low switching and conduction losses ‧Suitable for logic level gate drive sources |
產品應用 |
‧Consumer applications ‧Notebook Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) ‧Desktop Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) |
文字介紹 |
Logic level N-channel enhancement mode Field-Effect Transistor (FET) in a plastic package using TrenchMos technology. This product is designed and qualified for use in computing and consumer applications. |
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產品規格 |
VDS: 30V, ID: 61A, RDSON: 8mΩ |
產品特性 |
‧High efficiency due to low switching and conduction losses ‧Suitable for logic level gate drive sources |
產品應用 |
‧Consumer applications ‧Notebook Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) ‧Desktop Voltage Regulator Module (VRM) |
文字介紹 |
Logic level N-channel enhancement mode Field-Effect Transistor (FET) in a plastic package using TrenchMos technology. This product is designed and qualified for use in computing and consumer applications. |
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產品規格 |
Reverse stand-off voltage:2.5V Peak pulse power(tp=8/20us):450W Peak pulse current(tp=8/20us):25A Reverse leakage current:5uA(Maximum) IEC 61000-4-2 (ESD) ±25kV (air), ±15kV (contact) Junction Capacitance(Vr=0V,I/O to I/O):2pf(Typical) |
產品特性 |
Transient protection for high-speed data lines to IEC 61000-4-2 (ESD) 15kV (air), 8kV (contact) IEC 61000-4-4 (EFT) 40A (5/50ns) IEC 61000-4-5 (Lightning) 25A (8/20µs) Array of surge rated diodes with internal TVS Diode Small package saves board space Protects up to four I/O lines & power line Low capacitance (<5pF) for high-speed interfaces Low leakage current and clamping voltage Low operating voltage: 2.5V Solid-state silicon-avalanche technology |
產品應用 |
USB 2.0 Gigabit Ethernet Digital Visual Interface (DVI) T1/E1 Secondary Protection T3/E3 Secondary Protection IEEE 1394 Firewire Ports |
文字介紹 |
Rclamp2504N是應用於高速訊號的低電容瞬間電壓抑制原件。具有IEC標準靜電放電(ESD)、電纜放電事件(CDE)和防雷保護功能,從而可保護敏感器件。在瞬態電壓發生時能將電流導到地並抑制電壓於安全的範圍內,低電容陣列架構共可保護四組高速訊號線。RClamp2504N內建Semtech專利EPD製程,此製程提供低工作電壓並低漏電流,優於傳統晶片雪崩二極體製程。RClamp2504N可抑制達25A(8/20us)的雷擊引起的尖峰脈衝降至最低,能保護危險性大的高敏感IC。此外,此元件採用了新型無接腳SLP封裝,占位面積僅為2.6×2.6mm,高度僅為0.6mm。此元件適用於基地臺、交換機、路由器、集線器、STB、伺服器及筆記型電腦和桌上型電腦中的整合連接器、USB埠、Gigabit乙太網路、T1/E1和T3/E3介面。 |
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產品規格 |
4A Synchronous Step-Down Regulator in 3mm x 3mm x 0.6mm thermally enhanced MLPQ-UT16 package |
產品特性 |
VIN Range: 2.9 – 5.5V VOUT Options: 1.0V to 3.3V Up to 4A Output Current Ultra-Small Footprint, <1mm Height Solution 1.5MHz Switching Frequency Optional Power Save Mode Operation Efficiency Up to 95% Low Output Noise Across Load Range Excellent Transient Response Start Up into Pre-Bias Output 100% Duty-Cycle Low Dropout Operation <1μA Shutdown Current Externally Programmable Soft Start Time Power Good indicator Input Under-Voltage Lockout Output Over-Voltage, Current Limit Protection Over-Temperature Protection 3mm x 3mm x 0.6mm thermally enhanced MLPQ-UT16 package -40 to +85°C Temperature Range Pb-free, Halogen free, and RoHS/WEEE compliant |
產品應用 |
Desktop Computing Set-Top Box LCD TV Network Cards Printer |
文字介紹 |
SC185是一個4安培 非隔離式的同步降壓器, 輸入電壓可以從2.9V到5.5V且輸出可以依照客戶所需的電壓從1V到3.3V固定輸出而不需要外部分壓電組調節電壓.輕載時的power save mode讓SC185的可以在任何負載的電流下皆可擁有迷人的高效率. 而1.5MHz的頻率可以讓周邊的零件更加小型化.而去節省PCB板材面積. 在電源保護方面包含了輸出短路保護控制.柔和性啟動機制, 輸入的低電壓保護機制, 輸出過電壓保護裝置.過溫保護控制.使SC185可以輕易的應用在低成本的直流-直流降壓電源應用。 |
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產品規格 |
Dual Channel 2.5MHz, 1.8A Synchronous Step-Down Regulator in 3mm x 3mm x 0.6mm thermally enhanced MLPQ-UT16 package |
產品特性 |
VIN Range: 2.9 – 5.5V VOUT Selectable: 0.8 - 3.3V Up to 1.8A Output Current for Each Channel Ultra-Small Footprint, <1mm Height Solution 2.5MHz Switching Frequency Efficiency Up to 93% Low Output Noise Across Load Range Excellent Transient Response Start Up into Pre-Bias Output 100% Duty-Cycle Low Dropout Operation <1μA Shutdown Current Internal Soft Start Input Under-Voltage Lockout Output Over-Voltage, Current Limit Protection Over-Temperature Protection Adjustable Output Voltage 2mm x 3mm x 0.8mm thermally enhanced MLPQ-W18 package -40 to +85°C Temperature Range Pb-Free product. RoHS/WEEE and Halogen Free compliant |
產品應用 |
Desktop Computing Set-Top Box LCD TV Network Cards Printer |
文字介紹 |
SC283是個雙輸出個擁有1.8安培 非隔離式的同步降壓器, 輸入電壓可以從2.9V到5.5V且輸出可以依照客戶所需的電壓從0.8V到3.3V固定各15種輸出亦可以利用外部分壓電組調節電壓.關機控制可以從CTL0-CTL3控制腳控制.而2.5MHz的頻率可以讓周邊的零件更加小型化.而去節省PCB板材面積. 在電源保護方面包含了輸出過電流保護控制.柔和性啟動機制去抑制輸入的湧浪電流, 輸入的低電壓保護機制, 輸出過電壓保護裝置.過溫保護.使SC283可以輕易的應用在低成本的直流-直流降壓電源應用。 |
我要聯絡 詮鼎集團 臺灣 SEMTECH 產品線人員
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產品規格 |
Reverse stand-off voltage:3.3V Peak pulse power(tp=2/10us):2500W Peak pulse current(tp=2/10us):120A Reverse leakage current:1uA(Maximum) IEC 61000-4-2 (ESD) ±30kV (air), ±30kV (contact) Junction Capacitance(Vr=0V,I/O to I/O):12pf(Maximum) |
產品特性 |
Transient protection for high-speed data lines to Bellcore 1089 (Intra-Building) 100A (2/10µs) IEC 61000-4-2 (ESD) ±15kV (air), ±8kV (contact) IEC 61000-4-4 (EFT) 40A (5/50ns) IEC 61000-4-5 (Lightning) L5, 95A (8/20µs) Low capacitance (12pF line-to-line) Low operating voltages (3.3V) Low clamping voltage Small SLP Package saves board space Solid-state technology |
產品應用 |
10/100/1000 Ethernet T3/E3 Integrated Magnetics Carrier Class Equipment Customer Premise Equipment |
文字介紹 |
Tclamp3302N是應用於高速訊號的低電容瞬間電壓抑制原件.具有IEC標準靜電放電(ESD)、電纜放電事件(CDE)和防雷保護功能,從而可保護敏感器件.Tclamp3302N內含低電容二極體陣列及瞬態電壓抑制器,可應用於共模及差模訊號.其提供設計者有效減少零件數量及設計彈性.線對線寄生電容小於12pF可確保高速訊號傳輸的穩定性.這個原件符合Telcordia GR-1089-CORE short-haul (intra-building) surge要求. 原件採用2.6x2.6x0.6mm SLP2626P10封裝,能有效降低板面空間. 符合RoHS/WEEE標準.其主要應用於高度整合性乙太網路環境。 |
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產品規格 |
The SGM7222 has low bit to bit skew and high channel to channel noise isolation and is compatible with various standards, such as high speed USB2.0 .Each switch is bidirectional and offers little or no attenuation of the high speed signals at the outputs. Its bandwidth is wide enough to pass high speed USB 2.0 differential signals with good signal integrity. |
產品特性 |
1. Ron is Typically 4.5R at 3.0V 2. Low Bito to Bit skew:50ps 3.Voltage Operation:1.8V to 4.3V Fast Switching Times: Ton 10ns Toff 22ns 4.Low c rosstalk :-41dB at 250MHz 5. Power-off Protection when V=0V, D+/D- pins can Tolerate up to 5.25V 6. High off- isolation:-35dB at 250MHz 7. Rail to Rail input and output operation 8. Break before make switching 9. Extended industrial temperature rang: -40C to +85C |
產品應用 |
1. Route signails for USB2.0 2. MP3 and Other Personal Media Players 3. Digital cameras and camcorders 4. Portable instrumentation 5. STB |
文字介紹 |
USB2.0用途, 具可切換功能之IC, 多用在可攜式儀器或電腦上。 |
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產品規格 |
The SGM811/812 supervisory circuits monitor the power supply voltage in microprocessor and digital systems. The SGM811/812 is designed to monitor seven different voltages; these voltages have been selected for the effective monitoring of 2.5V, 3V, 3.3V, and 5V supply voltage levels.
The provide a reset output during power-up, power-down and brownout conditions. On power-up,an internaltimer holds teste asserted for 240ms. This holds the microprocessor in a reset state until conditions have stabilized . |
產品特性 |
1. Superior Upgrade for MAX811/MAX812 and AD811/812 2. Specifided overtemperature 3. Low power consumption(17uA TYP) 4. Precision Voltage monitor:2.5V, 3V,3.3V, 5V options 5. Reset assertion down to 1V Vcc 6. 160ms Min power-on reset Logic Low RESET output (SGM811) Logic High RESET output(SGM812) 7. Manual Reset input |
產品應用 |
1. Microprocessor Systems 2. Controllers 3. Intelligent instruments 4. Automotive Systems 5. Safety systems 6. Portable instruments. |
文字介紹 |
RESET IC, with manual reset input, 可用在自動化系統, 手提式儀器或電腦上。 |
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【TI - TPS51610 IMVP6+™ Controller CPU/GPU Vcore】 |
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產品規格 |
.3 to 28V input range .Compliant with Intel IMVP6+ Specification .Optimized Efficiency at Light & Heavy Loads .Selectable 200/300/400/500 kHz emulated fixed frequency .Integrated Boost Diode |
產品特性 |
.Supports multiple battery configurations .Single chip includes output power monitor .Extends battery life to save energy .Smaller form factor designs and reduced capacitor component cost .Lower ripple, better EMI control than hysteric solutions |
產品應用 |
.IMVP6+ Single Phase CPU VCORE Applications .GPU Integrated Graphics (GFX) VCORE Applications |
文字介紹 |
The TPS51610 is a fully Intel-compliant single-phase synchronous buck controller with integrated gate drivers designed for use in low-power CPUs and Intel integrated Graphics solutions for IMVP-6+ generation notebook systems. Advanced control features such as D-CAP architecture and OSR overshoot reduction provide fast transient response, lowest output capacitance and high efficiency.
The TPS51610 DAC provides the 5-bit graphics "render" VID. The TPS51610 provides the full compliment of IMVP6+ I/O including VR_TT, and PMON. Adjustable control of VCORE slew rate and voltage positioning round out the IMVP6+ features. In addition, the TPS51610 includes two high-current FET gate drivers to drive external N-channel FETs with low switching loss. |
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